Words of wisdom from world architects: Sou Fujimoto
Architect Sou Fujimoto completed his tour of duty as juror of the President’s Design Award 2016 with a public forum. He presented to a full-house audience, mostly architecture practitioners, at The URA Centre on 27 July. His perspectives on the state of architecture were enlightening and candid. Here are some of his most incisive, insightful and memorable quotes:
MR SOU FUJIMOTO, Founder, Sou Fujimoto Architects (Japan)

On combining nature with architecture
“From learning about architecture, I found similarities in nature and a city. Both start small: in nature, a leaf; in a city, a bicycle, perhaps. There are large-scale similarities too: both have distinct eco-systems that thrive on their own qualities and resources.”
“My architecture thinking is to look for a combination between nature and architecture; and how they interact with people.”
On opening our minds and eyes to change
“Re-defining everything related to architecture such as boundaries, steps, walls – re-defines how we interact with day-to-day architecture; and shows a variety of potential that exists if we open our eyes.”
“In architecture, it is fundamental to protect what is significant; and at the same time, be open to change.”

Everything I develop is connected to history. Every building is a new understanding of history. The learning journey is continuous.
On dynamic architecture
“If you design the experience properly, the architectural experience can be a dynamic one. Even an ordinary balcony can have new values and meaning when designed correctly.”

On connecting past with present
After 20 years in the business, I realise that the history of architecture is enormous. Everything I develop is connected to history. Every building is a new understanding of history. The learning journey is continuous.”Next up, Words of wisdom from world architects: Matthias Sauerbruch on 29 August