Reimagining Design Classrooms
Design education has traditionally been imagined through classroom settings in schools – however, around the world and in Singapore, design educators have been devising novel strategies both in and outside of the classroom to cultivate innovative and creative mindsets. In this collection of articles, we look at some of the outstanding new-age design schools and environments, and the impact they are creating.
Bamboo Architecture: Bali’s Green School inspires a global renaissance
Davina Jackson, Jakarta Post
More than a K-12 school that places environmental consciousness at the heart of education, the Green School is also boldly re-envisioning and demonstrating to the industry how bamboo can function as a sustainable, modern building material. Read the article here.
Google Has A Solution For The UX Design Education Gap: Google
Dianna Budds, FastCompany
Faster, Cheaper, Better – as part of Google University, Google has taken the landmark step of creating their very own UX Design degree. Read the article here.
Silicon Valley billionaires are sick of normal schools – so they’ve created this one
Melia Robinson, Insider
Imagine checking off tasks customized according to your interest, coding on lofts you constructed and redesigning your very own workspace… in elementary school. That’s the education revolution AltLab is trying to pioneer. Read the article here.
Maker-Spaces Blooming Across Singapore
Rote Learning and Textbooks? Not anymore. Follow 12-year-old Joshua as he builds his own soldering iron with VIVITA Singapore, and Riona from Chongzheng Primary School as she prototypes her own game for the elderly with Design For Change Singapore. Read more about Joshua here and here about Riona.
JUMPLab Uses Design to Guide Misfits Onto The Right Path
Roel De Rijck and Joos Van Cauwenberghe, DEST
By imparting design skills and encouraging young adults to pivot negative experiences into career “jumps”, the JUMPLab programme takes youth who find themselves lost at school into light – and goads themselves into actively designing their futures. Read the article here.
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