In Photos: Living Shelter wins Red Dot Award

Living Shelter, a flat-pack shelter that provides expedient disaster relief, has secured the Red Dot Award for Design Concept (Honourable Mention). The prototype was designed by WY-TO and Pod Structures, and is now presented at Venice Biennale (till 27 Nov 2016). The project was supported by DesignSingapore Council.

The Living Shelter is inspired by the kampong house of Southeast Asia. It has openings that facilitate natural ventilation.

A custom-built folding mechanism ensures that the structure “unfolds” quickly, without using tools.

The Living Shelter is an affordable, collapsible capsule that is easy to transport and assemble in the tropical environment.


The Living Shelter offers privacy and security, as well as daily essentials such as water, electricity and basic furniture. It houses a water bag for water collection; a built-in solar panel on the roof for sustainable energy; and built-in foldable bed, hammocks and shelves.


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