Design and Ethics

In this collection of articles, we examine the role of ethics in design. Far from a theoretical issue, ethical design has real-world benefits and there are practical ways to achieve it.

What Are “Ethics in Design”?
Victoria Sgarro, Slate

What happens when designers fail in making ethical decisions? Product designer Victor Sgarro looks at the consequences and uncovers why it is a common blind spot in the design industry. Read the article here.

Design Ethicquette

The increasing scrutiny of tech giants such as Facebook, Google and Amazon by regulators is a sign that the public is awakening to the behaviour and ethics of the tech and design industry. DesignSingapore Scholar Ziqq Rafit makes a case for why ethics should be a skillset for every designer. Click here to view the video

What Your Designs Say About You?
Ted Talks

It is not easy to make ethical decisions in design. Designer Sebastian Deterding offers seven questions to help you identify what values you might be embedding in your design. Another guide is the late American graphic designer Milton Glaser’s popular checklist, “12 Steps on the Road to Design Hell” — now updated for product designers. here to read more on “Steps on the road to Design hell”.

Design and the Deep Future
Alice Twemlow

The way we engage with design is too short-sighted and ignores its longer-term consequences, says design critic Alice Twemlow. She sketches a new model of design education that helps future designers to expand their vision. Read the article here.


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