Interview: Cheong Xiao Si Judea, DesignSingapore Scholar 2016

Clockwise from top left) DesignSingapore Council Scholar Cheong Xiao Si Judea; Art Director, The Discipleship Booklet; Motion graphics animator, Kingdom Invasion conference 2016; Graphic Designer, A Night to Honour Israel invitation.

DesignSingapore scholar Cheong Xiao Si Judea will pursue a BA (Hons) in Design Management and Cultures at London College of Communication, United Kingdom. In this interview, she talks about a project close to her heart; her ambitions; and her goals to contribute to Singaporean design.

What was the project you were most proud to share with the DesignSingapore Scholarship selection panel?

I shared with them my Singapore Design District project, where I proposed to package local creative businesses, and present them in an alternative, more well-known hotspot in Singapore.

What do you hope to gain from your education in London College of Communication?

I hope to be exposed to the global creative economy and discern how design can be used to address social, business and environment issues.

When your foreign contemporaries ask you, what would you say is representative of Singaporean design?

Our diversified mix of cultures and styles. This rojak flavour gives us an edge in strengthening our global network.

How do you intend to contribute to Singaporean design?

I have a strong desire to help strengthen our Singaporean identity and promote it internationally. I also hope to help raise the standard of our visual communication, through collaborations with other Singaporean designers, so as to differentiate ourselves from others. With collaboration and information sharing, we will become a city with smart, creative people!

Next in this series, on 18 August, Interview with Lim Qi Xuan


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