Stories on Transformation of Education by Design

As a lead up to the Design Education Summit 2021, an initiative was launched to call for stories on the transformation of education through design. Commissioned by the DesignSingapore Council and conducted by the SUTD-MIT International Design Centre, the call invited educators and students from around the world to submit their experiences related to design education.

Eight-five stories were received from 11 countries, including Singapore, India, the Philippines and Belgium, and have been put together into an e-publication. These inspirational stories showcase how design has not only empowered individuals with mindsets and skills to improve lives, but also allowed for the reimagination of possibilities in a post-pandemic world.

Educators and students alike shared their experiences of overcoming challenges with design, sometimes candidly, and these varied accounts serve as testaments that design is relevant at every level of education and every stage of life.

Access the compilation of stories here

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