Singapore’s highest honour for designers and designs across all disciplines
One of Asia’s premier design festivals that champions design thought leadership
National Design Centre

111 Middle Road
Singapore 188969

Opening hours
Everyday 9am to 9pm


Serious Play for Innovation Co-creation


Event details

  • Date and Time
    Date and Time
24 Jul 2020
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
  • Location


  • Event Fee
    Event Fee



The secret ingredient to greater innovation output may not be more work, but more play. ‘Serious Play’ is not about the extra thing that you do after work, rather it is redesigning work to tap into the power of productive play to tackle our most complex business challenges.

In ‘Serious Play’ we create a mindspace where individuals can feel free to explore a problem or opportunity through playful interaction and be energized to imagine new possibilities.

In this “Serious Play” interactive webinar, LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® facilitators, Angela Koch and Darwin Antipolo will share their passion for innovation in playmode and demonstrate how colourful LEGO® brick play can drive engagement and breakthroughs within Design Thinking.

If you are curious about the intersection of Serious Play and Design Thinking and you are ready to take your Innovation output to the next level, then join us for this not “business as usual” webinar.

This event provides an opportunity for up to 20 participants to play an active role in the LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® simulation while the others look and learn. This simulation requires a unique LEGO® set of 49 pieces. This set will be provided by the organiser to the first 20 sign-ups at a fee of $15.00. The LEGO® set will be mailed to you. If you feel you can assemble a similar set from your own Lego collection, or would like to play the role of an observer, then you are welcome to sign up at no cost.


Angela Koch – Founder Invitro Innovation and Lead Facilitator

Angela Koch is founder of Invitro Innovation, an Asia based Ideas and Innovations Consultancy. Angela brings a wealth of Creativity and Innovation practice following a career as Strategic Planning Director with Global Brand and Communications companies TBWA South Africa, M&C Saatchi Singapore, Leo Burnett Greater China and Leo Burnett Singapore. For the past 10 years, Angela’s Invitro Innovation work has her facilitating projects to discover the next growth engine for a business and creating experiential innovation experiences so that all employees feel empowered to participate in Innovation. Angela is a certified LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® facilitator and Luma Institute Certified Practitioner of Human-Centered Design.

Darwin Antipolo – Founder and Principal Consultant / pxd labs

Darwin’s practice thrives in the intersection of applying service design, serious play and the arts. He is not your usual “designpreneur”. Although his Singapore based strategic design agency, pxdlabs, is just 2 years old, he has 25 years of corporate experience that straddles agency and business, while cutting across functional domains such as marketing, sales, technology and consulting. Darwin’s clients include JPMorgan Chase (PH), UBS Asset Mgmt (SG), Dow Corning (UK), Polycom (US) and Raffles Hotel Group (SG).​​​​​​​

This event is presented by: Invitro Innovation

In partnership with: pxd labs and PaperWork

Supported by: Design Singapore Council and National Design Centre

To find out more, please visit


Invitro Innovation

We are an Ideas Co-Creation Company using Human-Centred Methods such as Design Thinking, Business Model Canvas and LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® to invite Employee Participation in Innovation.

We have co-created Innovation solutions with: Pizza Hut Asia-Pacific, UNESCO Bangkok, LVMH Group, Daimler Asia Pacific, DBS Bank and McDonald’s Singapore.

To find out more about Invitro Innovation, please visit


Name: Angela

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Singapore’s highest honour for designers and designs across all disciplines
One of Asia’s premier design festivals that champions design thought leadership
National Design Centre