Playground of Possibilities

Event details
Date and Time
21 Sep- 31 Dec 2023
9am – 9pm
National Design Centre
Atrium (Level 1)
111 Middle Road
Singapore 188969 -
Event Fee
Got a problem? Have no fear, design is here! The Playground of Possibilities is a specially commissioned exhibition curated by Jackson Tan of BLACK. It brings together 12 design projects from Singapore tackling some of the most pressing challenges we face today with innovative solutions and inspiring provocations.
Journey into an immersive playscape of four colourful landscapes – Explore, Empathise, Imagine, and Adapt – with an array of experiential installations. Feel how building facades of tomorrow can naturally cool like the skin of an elephant. Visit a “mini” public housing town designed to be dementia friendly. Meet a friendly robot who serves visitors while keeping them safe. Play in a kitchen with “smart” ceramic tableware that responds to the human touch!
These installations and more showcase the many skills that designers use to tackle problems, turn them into opportunities, and dream up new possibilities. Come and have fun in this sandbox of creativity and discover how you can create a better world by design!
BLACK is a creative agency from Singapore, founded with the belief that creativity and culture can make a difference. They are the foundation for the agency’s design processes and work. BLACK’s purpose is to create designs that generate social, cultural, commercial, artistic, intellectual, and emotional value.
Email Address: [email protected]