
We develop Singapore’s design sector, promote design for innovation and growth, and make life better in this UNESCO Creative City of Design.


Come build an innovation-driven economy and a loveable city by design with us! Watch the video below and find out what motivates some of our colleagues in their work at Dsg.

As a designer, stepping into my role in DesignSingapore Council places me at a unique vantage point to understand and contribute to the design sector on a more systemic level. Here, I design products that help designers strengthen their market positioning, build emerging capabilities, and expand their global influence. I am grateful for this opportunity!

Judea Cheong

At the DesignSingapore Council, I am privileged to enhance design thinking among Singapore’s youth by closely collaborating with Singapore’s educational sector. Developing Learning by Design programmes that empower our students to utilise design thinking as a life skill has been an incredibly rewarding experience. If you are passionate about advancing design through policy-making and programming, I encourage you to consider a fulfilling career with us at the Council!

Ben Tan

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